martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

Describing one Magazine

Now in the XXI century Playboy still being a very important magazine, not only in U.S.A but also in other countries like Colombia. There are countries different from United States that have Playboy, but in each country Playboy magazine is dissimilar from the others. They are different in order to be more attracted to each population.

In one of Colombia’s Playboy magazine there are many similar things like in the original one. For example in the frontispiece they mix the colors in order to make it gaudier and to sell it more. Also to show the playmate prettier. At the same time in backstage they put up a very tine makeup so the playmate looks very well. It seems that the women have been in a camera in order to get tanned.

On the other hand one of its articles is about Brazil. In it the author Eduard Davis talks very well and with very good details about Brasilia. It was very complete because it mentions many artists related to the big project Brazil’s capital. Davis talks about the hall construction of Brasilia so people could now more about this fantastic city. He says the most interesting this about it like that it was made in four years and that it has many good architecture repairs. Also to make people be interest on it, Davis shows many beautiful pictures about the greatest Brasilia.

Curious Fact

Playboy was so famous that it also appeared in movies. It appeared in Forest Gump with very pretty pictures. In one of its photos it appeared one of the most important characters in the story. It was the lover of Forest and she was an erotic dancer that wanted to be very famous. So she did many things in order to make hers wish. One of the things that she did was going to Playboy and making many things so she could be in its pages.

history of Playboy and some important things about it

Starting with the most important attraction that Playboy has it is what makes it one of the most important magazines in the world. The thing is that its playmates are very erotic, sexy and beautiful. Photos of sexy playmates are not the only reason why men like them. Men also like them because there are many photos of famous models and Hollywood actresses and that the most of the time in are the magazine cover. There are pictures of stars like Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Sharon Stone and Bo Derek.

On the other hand there are interviews and the fiction writers, both things are very important for the magazine because readers don’t want to see only pictures. The interviews are very important because are made by very important people like David Halberstam. Also because that kind of entertainment is made to famous people that a big part of the population now about like Bob Dylan and Michael Jordan. The fiction writers are also very important for Playboy because there are talented writers that can write on it. Among those fiction writers there are Award-winning and well-respected authors for example Saul Bellow and Stanley Elkin.

Play boy started in the 50’s with Marilyn Monroe being the first playmate. It was a hit in first part because the American public was prepared for profound content like the interviews and the fiction writing, also because of the sensual photos. But one of the most important things that made Playboy being very good was because of its star. The star magazine was a symbol of beauty and of sensuality. Since the initial Playboy had in its pages things of famous people, in its interviews, its fiction writers and its photos.

From that time in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s was very similar. What happened was that every day they sold more and more. Also they had more people that wanted to be in its pages. When the years pass good authors and famous artists wanted to be on it. There was not a famous person that did not appear in Playboy, there were in the interviews, in the fiction writers, in the photos or in all of it. It had one if the best qualities in the publicity world. In those 30 years it had stars such as Jayne Mansfield, Brigitte Bardot, Liz Taylor, Sharon Tate, Raquel Welch, Linda Evans, Cindy Crawford, Latoya Jackson and Madonna.