martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

Describing one Magazine

Now in the XXI century Playboy still being a very important magazine, not only in U.S.A but also in other countries like Colombia. There are countries different from United States that have Playboy, but in each country Playboy magazine is dissimilar from the others. They are different in order to be more attracted to each population.

In one of Colombia’s Playboy magazine there are many similar things like in the original one. For example in the frontispiece they mix the colors in order to make it gaudier and to sell it more. Also to show the playmate prettier. At the same time in backstage they put up a very tine makeup so the playmate looks very well. It seems that the women have been in a camera in order to get tanned.

On the other hand one of its articles is about Brazil. In it the author Eduard Davis talks very well and with very good details about Brasilia. It was very complete because it mentions many artists related to the big project Brazil’s capital. Davis talks about the hall construction of Brasilia so people could now more about this fantastic city. He says the most interesting this about it like that it was made in four years and that it has many good architecture repairs. Also to make people be interest on it, Davis shows many beautiful pictures about the greatest Brasilia.

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